Virtually Open

A lot has happened in the past few days and I'm aware how very complacent, or perhaps naive, I was in hoping that we could offer something approaching a normal gallery experience. Perhaps a lot of us have been guilty of trying to maintain a 'business as usual' attitude in the light of events which are anything but usual; what has to come first now is that we all listen and act on guidance - stay at home and look after ourselves.
As I'm fortunate that my home and work are connected I can at least still be actually at work without having to leave the house. It's been a rather strange experience putting together an exhibition that, there is every chance, no one will ever see in the 'flesh.' But this exhibition has been over a year in the planning and features such beautiful work I can't possibly not display it as I had envisaged. I hope to have more images and video online for Saturday and please do get in touch to book a slot for a one-to-one exhibition tour. For those of you who are fans of Gallery Dog Colin, I'll even make sure he gets in on the action - though in a virtual gallery visit you'll be spared his insistent nudging for more ear rubs!